Air Quality Module
The file shows the functions that register and request data related to the Air Quality table.
GET: lists all measurements in ppb of air quality measurement table. This is an hourly average measurement.
POST: records processed measurement and valid processed measurement every five seconds
Json input of Air Quality Measurement
name (string) - qHAWAX name
interval_hours (integer) - the last N hours we want it
Lists all measurements in ppb of air quality measurement table in a defined period of time. This is an hourly average measurement.
name (string) - qHAWAX name
initial_timestamp (timestamp without timezone) - timestamp day-month-year hour:minute:second (UTC OO)
final_timestamp (timestamp without timezone) - timestamp day-month-year hour:minute:second (UTC OO)
Lists all values by a defined gas or dust in ug/m3 of air quality measurement table of the last 24 hours.
qhawax (string) - qHAWAX name
gas (string) - gas or dust name (CO,H2S,O3,NO2,SO2,PM25,PM10)
Lists all average measurements of valid processed measurement table in a defined period of time and company.
qhawax_id (integer) - qHAWAX ID
initial_timestamp (timestamp without timezone) - timestamp day-month-year hour:minute:second (UTC OO)
final_timestamp (timestamp without timezone) - timestamp day-month-year hour:minute:second (UTC OO)